Many Eyes + If He Dies He Dies + Fedaykin

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Date | Thursday, August 29 |
Doors @ | 7:00 pm |
MANY EYES is the sound of a man on fire.
The man in question is Keith Buckley, and these aren’t flames of destruction either. Instead, this
conflagration merely signals the beginning for the vocalist and his cohorts—brothers Charlie
[guitar] and Nick Bellmore [drums, bass, backing vocals]. Scratching an itch for catharsis, the
music swings from fits of venomous hardcore into disarmingly catchy choruses spiked with
grunge melody and quotable lyrics.
Unpredictable and undeniable in equal measure, MANY EYES come to life on a series of
independent singles in 2023 and much more to come.
“This is an expression of who I am,” Buckley proclaims. “I’m letting the music do the talking. I
really trusted my collaborators. I’m not interested in being known as a frontman. I just want to
be another part of the band who uses his own instrument to complete the picture. That’s what
I’m doing with MANY EYES.”
A long and winding road brought Buckley to MANY EYES. The Buffalo native has fronted
metalcore stalwarts Every Time I Die as well as The Damned Things (featuring Scott Ian of
Anthrax and Joe Trohman and Andy Hurley of Fall Out Boy), and lent his instantly recognizable
vocals to everyone from Knocked Loose to SeeYouSpaceCowboy and Say Anything, played
countless shows, and even penned two books.
In 2021, after fronting Every Time I Die for over two decades, he reached an impasse and
needed to make a change. Focusing on his mental health, he chose sobriety, spent a month in a
recovery facility “to learn how to live soberly,” and reorganized his priorities as a father and
Ultimately, he gained new perspective all around.
“After the Pandemic, I realized I had made a lot of really bad decisions in life, and I was reaping
what I had sown,” he admits. “There was no meaning anymore. So, I vowed to do things
differently. I started getting sober. When you do, most of your relationships based on alcohol go
away. My current wife and my daughter were my entire support system. During that time, I
didn’t think about music at all.”
That’s until Hatebreed frontman Jamey Jasta reached out. He suggested Keith consider working
with Charlie and Nick Bellmore. “It was wonderful to hear a friendly voice say, ‘Hey, this could be
good for you’,” he elaborates. “I just got in my car and drove to Connecticut. They showed me
what they were working on, and the music was exactly what I wanted—while their trust and
patience were exactly what I needed.”
As it turns out, the three musicians bonded over a shared deep-seated appreciation for nineties
hard rock and alternative, including Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Jane’s
Addiction. Locking into a groove, they struck a delicate balance between pit-splitting intensity
and arresting infectiousness with brothers Charlie playing guitar, Nick playing bass/drums and
also producing the new music, while Jamey Jasta took on the role of Executive Producer.
“I was super excited to fully incorporate huge hooks into devastating mosh riffs,” he grins. “It’s
something I’d always wanted to do. For me, it’s a complete release to express anger through big
sweeping choruses.”
Now, the single “Revelation” introduces MANY EYES. From the jump, a guttural guitar riff
underlines Buckley’s vitriolic screams. Melody only enhances the drama on the catchy chorus,
“Look me in the eyes again, look me in the eyes. I dare you.”
“It’s a very aggressive song, and it’s confrontational lyrically,” he reveals. “I was still at a point in
my sobriety where I thought I had to speak bluntly in order to heal. Then, I found recovery was
about a lot of acceptance. I wrote ‘Revelation’ before I went to this facility in Salt Lake City.
While I was there, I did the 12 steps, and I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1. I had unknowingly
been living with that my whole life and self-medicating with alcohol and drugs. The message of
‘Revelation’ is, ‘I can do this if I have love.’ I don’t need anything else. It’s very punk rock.”
“Future Proof” represents the other end of the spectrum. On the track, uneasy guitars toss and
turn beneath the verses, and the refrain echoes with naked emotion.
“It was the first song back after recovery,” he goes on. “I had found out what was wrong with
me. Now, I’m fully prepared to deal with anything that happens in the future—any loss or any
gain. Nothing will shock me anymore, because of everything I already went through.”
Out of the flames, Buckley’s still standing, and he’s ready to tell his story like never before.
“From all of these experiences, I’ve become wiser,” he leaves off. “I’m the same person, but I
have a better understanding of my own purpose now. I want to use these experiences to help
people get out of situations where they feel helpless. I’m trying to show that hope and recovery
are possible.”
Want to attend?
The Pyramid Scheme 68 Commerce SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503 United States